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Thursday, June 02, 2011

What's so special about Ganoderma mushroom?

What's so special about Ganoderma mushroom?
Among many types of mushroom, only Ganoderma mushroom was highly praised for more than 2000 years. What makes it stands out from the other fungi? What are the beneficial active components found in Ganoderma that make it so precious?

Ganoderma mushroom is from the Mycetes kingdom.
These are generally short and tiny fungi unable to produce their own nutrient through photosynthesis like green plants. They can either Earth breed or lead a parasitic life by surviving on nutrients of other plants and animals. Within the Mycetes kingdom, Basidiomycetes such as Ganoderma Lucidum and mushroom are the superior grade. Many are edible and have excellent healing properties. These fungi naturally become the more precious medicinal herb in the Basidiomycetes kingdom.

Mushroom healing properties
Generally, mushrooms family can improve your immune system by activating Macrophage and Natural Killer (NK) immunity cells. Macrophage is your important first line defence against virus, bacteria and foreign substances. NK cells are responsible to kill cancer cells in your body. Some can even improve allergic conditions such as skin allergy, nose allergy and asthma. 

The more popular beneficial mushrooms are:

Shitake (Lentinus edodes)
Maitake (Grifola frondosa)
Golden needle mushroom (Flammulina velutipes)
Agaricus Blazei (Agaricus blazei murrill)
Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum)

All these fungi helps to prevent high blood pressure, diabetes, hardening of blood vessel and even cancer. But of all the fungi, Ganoderma Lucidum significantly stands out for its high medicinal values.

The unique Ganoderma mushroom
Ganoderma Lucidum is the only fungus with an unusual combination of beneficial components such as:
Polysaccharides, Organic Germanium, Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), Triterpenes. Other mushroom family may contain one or the other active components. However, Ganoderma mushroom contains all of those in significant concentration. So what are the healing effects of those substances in your body?

Modern researches on Ganoderma Lucidum successfully extracted each components to test its healing effects. Scientists found that these active components can: enhance immune system and improve cancer, neutralize toxics in the body, reduce free radicals to slow down aging, remove circulation blockage.

In fact, these health benefits were recorded in ancient China medical text more than 2000 years ago. This herb is grouped into 6 main categories. And the Red Reishi, or Ganoderma Lucidum is currently the most popular because of its high medicinal values.

How Ganoderma Lucidum improves your health
In a Chinese medical encyclopedia "Bencao Gangmu", an ancient medical practitioner Lee Shizhen from Ming Dynasty classified Ganoderma as the "superior herb".

He grouped Ganoderma herb into six categories by its color and form, namely Green, Purple, Red, Yellow, White and Black Ganoderma. All six types have its own medicinal values and healing effects.

According to the record, "continuous consumption of Ganoderma makes your body light and young, lengthening life and making you like an immortal who never dies".

Modern researches 
We may regard ancient medical text as unsound finding. However, it is interesting to discover that even modern researches proved most of the ancient findings on Ganoderma Lucidum herb. Chinese scientists began investigating the chemical makeup and medicinal effects of Ganoderma Lucidum in 1950s. They supported their findings with clinical studies. Researcher from China, Japan, Korea and United States have also formed an international Ganoderma research association, bringing its research to global platform.

Ganoderma Lucidum Health Benefits
Scientists researched the special healing effects of Ganoderma herb on circulatory system, nervous system and immune system as well as its anti-cancer effects. Studies show it can significantly: improve your blood circulation,  calm your nerves, enhance your immune system, improve cancer healing chances. Your body operates on these major systems. If not properly regulated, you may fall ill. Ganoderma herb helps to regulate your various body systems, maintain stability and ensure a balance between internal and external body conditions. Besides this, Ganoderma also has other important functions in your body...

Detoxify and energize your body
Ganoderma can also eliminate toxins accumulated in your body through intake of various western medication, antibiotic, pain killer and anti inflammatory medicines. It thus achieves a strong detoxification effect to maintain your body balance. And in this fast paced modern world, people are subjected to extensive pressure resulting in tension, insomnia, giddiness, fatigue and loss of appetite.

The Organic Germanium in Ganoderma helps to enhance your blood stream ability to take in oxygen by more than 1.5 times. It also increases your metabolism rate and slow down your aging. According to research by Japanese doctor, the concentration of Organic Germanium in Ganoderma is about 800 to 2000 ppm (parts per million), which is 4 to 6 times much higher than Ginseng.

Slow down your aging
In addition, Ganoderma Lucidum also contains Polysaccharides which help to strengthen your immune system. Hence the stabilizing effects of Ganoderma can strengthen your health, improve your vitality and improve your immune system. With this, Ganoderma Lucidum herb obviously help to slow down your aging process. And this is the essence of ancient medical classic that states, "continuous consumption of Ganoderma makes your body light and young, lengthening life and making you like an immortal who never dies".

How Ganoderma herb supports your aging process
When you're above 40 years old, what kind of health problem awaits you? What will happen to your circulatory system, nervous system and immune system? And how Ganoderma herb supports your body throughout your aging process?

Herbs for Circulation
As you grow older, you'll first face problem with your circulatory system. The increase of blood viscosity slows down your blood circulation. Fatty substances such as cholesterol and triglyceride slowly increase and accumulate on your blood vessel wall.

As the deposit on blood vessel wall gets thicker, it leads to circulation diseases such as arteriosclerosis, hardening of coronary artery and thrombosis.

The narrowing of blood vessel and increase of circulation blockage reduces blood flow. Therefore, it prevents good blood supply from reaching the heart. This in turn leads to
coronary heart disease pectoris attack angina and changes in artery system.  Certain muscle tissue also age and even deteriorate due to insufficient nutrient from blood supply. This leads to weakening of body organs, causing all sort of diseases. These are common aging problems most of us face. Can you improve this condition with Ganoderma herb?
Ganoderma Lucidum as herbs for circulation contains Triterpenes which can improve blood circulation and significantly reduce the amount of fatty substances such as cholesterol and triglyceride.

This in turn helps to prevent:
heart disease hypertension hardening of coronary artery and other coronary heart diseases.

Studies on mice given intravenous injection of Ganoderma Lucidum herb shown that it can indeed improve blood circulation of cardiac muscle.
Ganoderma herb also helps overcoming cardiac muscle deficiency. Furthermore, it significantly reduce the symptoms of angina pectoris and provide protection for the heart.
The effects mentioned above are consistent with the records of ancient Sheng Nong Herbal Classic “that it cures the accumulation of pathogenic factors in the chest, provides vital energy for heart and mental activity"

Herbs for Nerves
Pharmalogical research shows that Ganoderma Lucidum herb has a calming and sedative effect on nervous system. It is particularly effective in the treatment of neuralgia and insomnia.
 In addition, this herb for nerves can also help you to:
improve sleep and appetite enhances vital energy improves memory and regain vitality
All these with no side effects at all. As recorded in Sheng Nong Herbal Classic "Ganoderma can calm one’s mind, enhance wisdom and has no side effects. It is moderate and non toxic"

Herbs for Immune System
Researches showed that Ganoderma Lucidum herb is high in Organic Germanium, Triterpenes and Polysaccharides. These are active components that strengthen your immune system.
T-lymphocyte and Macrophage are your important immunity cells.

The active components of Ganoderma Lucidum herb can strengthen Lymphocyte and Macrophage to destroy abnormal cells like cancer cells. As a result, it helps in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

How Ganoderma herb supports cancer treatment.
Do you ever wonder why some cancer patients survived but some lost their life? Why using radio and chemo therapy alone is very risky? And how Ganoderma Lucidum herb supports conventional cancer treatment for higher healing chances?

Modern treatment usually attempt to destroy cancer cells through radio therapy or chemo therapy.

However while destroying cancer cells, such treatment also destroys many essential cells beneficial to human body such as
White Blood Cells
Blood producing cells
Furthermore, chemo therapy causes lowering of immunity and weakening of body. Once treatment stops, the remaining cancer cells may multiply back quickly when the body is weak. This can be fatal.
The solution?
Find ways to support your body to withstand those strong treatments.

Ganoderma as Cancer Herbs
The integral effects from Ganoderma consumption together with modern therapy provide promising results. Besides its own anti cancer properties, this herb can also destroy cancer cell together with conventional therapy.
At the same time, Ganoderma also fights against unwanted effects of radiation by reducing damage to essential cells like Macrophage, T-lymphocyte, White Blood Cells, blood producing cells and others.

In short, Ganoderma Lucidum herb:
increases body tolerance to radio and chemo therapy
strengthens immunity
improves appetite
Some terminally ill cancer patient are so weak that they cannot withstand chemo therapy. But after consumption of Ganoderma herb, their condition improved and they can complete the course of chemo therapy.

Many patients with tumors have also significantly improved after taking Ganoderma Lucidum. In Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, Ganoderma effectiveness in controlling cancer is around 40% to 50%.
The main components that give Ganoderma Lucidum its strong anti cancer properties are Organic Germanium, SOD and Polysaccharides, especially the beta-glucan.

Which Ganoderma to take for cancer?
Not all Ganoderma products are the same. Taking low quality product can only give little improvement. For cancer, you don't want to compromise on quality and effectiveness, do you? Therefore, we recommend choosing Ganoderma extract with:
Log wood cultivation
High concentration extract
Cracked spore powder
What's the difference between capsulated and log wood cultivated Ganoderma? For example, consider a cancer patient taking capsulated Ganoderma. She may improve her symptoms, reduce her pain and prolong her life. But eventually, she may still pass away.
But if this patient takes log wood Ganoderma instead, she might completely cure her cancer and saved her life. And this makes a huge difference. 

Is Ganoderma alone enough?
Anyone who says their single herb or supplement can cure cancer certainly underestimates this horrifying disease. Even though Ganoderma is a strong anti cancer herb, it's still not enough to take it alone.

Our recommendation for other herbs and supplements with strong anti-cancer properties are:
Bee Propolis
Green Tea extract
Think of it this way. Taking more high quality anti-cancer herbs and supplements give higher healing chances compare with taking only one. Furthermore, you must have a healthy lifestyle.
Have a good emotional health and avoid negative thought
Change to healthy diet and avoid cancer-causing foods
Have regular healthy exercise such as Taichi

Warning! Before you try any cancer herbs...
Some cancer patients are afraid of receiving conventional cancer treatment such as surgery, radio therapy and chemo therapy. They may be afraid of its side effects. Or they may have seen their relatives and friends failed to save their life even with those treatments.
In addition, they heard people saying how their products successfully cured many cancer patients. So, they resort solely to alternative cancer therapy without the pain and side effects. What a wrong decision!

What if those alternative therapy fails? Their cancer will advance from stage 0 to stage 1... to stage 2... to stage 3... to terminal stage and it's all over.
This often happens among woman with breast cancer who want to maintain their appearance, and woman with uterus cancer who still want to conceive.
Therefore, it's very very very important for cancer patient to receive conventional treatment such as surgery and chemo therapy as instructed by doctor. Only then, they can further strengthen their body with cancer herbs and supplements. Remember, don't take any chances. Get conventional treatment as soon as possible.

Other cancer resources
"How You can Fight Cancer with Diet and Lifestyle Changes"
A PDF ebook on how you can fight cancer by changing your diet and lifestyle. To download, right click the link above and select "Save Target As..." (select "Save Link As..." for Firefox)
Ganoderma cancer experiment
Dr. Lee injected cancerous cells into a group of mouse. Then, he fed them with Ganoderma solution to examine its effect on cancer. See whether this herb can shrink the tumor in mouse.
Ganoderma fight cancer
Want more prove? Read this medical journal and clinical experiment on how this herb fight cancer.

Besides, Organic Germanium, Triterpenes and Polysaccharides can also enhance the composite of Lymphocyte and Macrophage cells individually to release Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) and interferon, which further destroy cancer cell.

Research proved that Ganoderma Lucidum herb effectively increase alpha interferon and gamma interferon level in human body to further strengthen and regulate immune system, improving cancer.

Other health benefits
Besides preventing diseases, the strengthening effects of Ganoderma are particularly effective in prevention and improvement of chronic diseases especially common symptoms such as:
This herb also supports the improvement of:

"Can Ganoderma Lucidum cure your stubborn diseases?"
Can Ganoderma Lucidum herb cure various chronic diseases including cancer? Can this fungus slow down aging and prevent illnesses? And how to choose the best Ganoderma extract to improve your health?

It is quite obvious by now. Conventional medication can only control most chronic diseases but not cure it. Those with hypertension, diabetes or asthma have to take medicine for the rest of their life. In the end, medication side effects may cause more harm than the actual illness itself.

How about cancer treatment? We cannot deny the importance of conventional treatment such as radio and chemo therapy for cancer. However, these cancer treatments also cause a lot of unwanted side effects such as lowering of immune system.

Besides conventional treatment, what other natural healing herb you can take for better health improvement?

Introducing Ganoderma herb...
Ganoderma Lucidum, also known as Lingzhi or Reishi, is just a tiny fungus grown in rotten wood. However, the Chinese held this herb in high regard for more than 2000 years, out of the thousands medicinal herb they knew.

And for many decades, the Japanese has diligently researched its healing properties using scientific methods. With modern technology, scientists were amazed of how it improves various health problems in human.

Many researches showed Ganoderma effectiveness in supporting human body throughout the aging process. This fungus is also well-known for its strong anti-cancer and anti-tumor effect. And for 19 years, we have been using  this herb to support conventional treatment for a more promising healing result.
With Ganoderma, you too may find a new hope for your health. To begin, click on any links below now.


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